Enum CmdSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<CmdSpec>

    public enum CmdSpec
    extends java.lang.Enum<CmdSpec>
    An enumeration of the minimum set of Perforce server commands recognized and implemented by P4Java. Actual implementations may accept and implement more commands than is listed here, but this is the safe subset you can depend on.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • INFO

        public static final CmdSpec INFO
      • DEPOTS

        public static final CmdSpec DEPOTS
      • LOGIN

        public static final CmdSpec LOGIN
      • LOGIN2

        public static final CmdSpec LOGIN2
      • LOGOUT

        public static final CmdSpec LOGOUT
      • CLIENTS

        public static final CmdSpec CLIENTS
      • CLIENT

        public static final CmdSpec CLIENT
      • FILES

        public static final CmdSpec FILES
      • FSTAT

        public static final CmdSpec FSTAT
      • SYNC

        public static final CmdSpec SYNC
      • CHANGES

        public static final CmdSpec CHANGES
      • CHANGE

        public static final CmdSpec CHANGE
      • DESCRIBE

        public static final CmdSpec DESCRIBE
      • OPENED

        public static final CmdSpec OPENED
      • EDIT

        public static final CmdSpec EDIT
      • ADD

        public static final CmdSpec ADD
      • DELETE

        public static final CmdSpec DELETE
      • REVERT

        public static final CmdSpec REVERT
      • SUBMIT

        public static final CmdSpec SUBMIT
      • FILELOG

        public static final CmdSpec FILELOG
      • PRINT

        public static final CmdSpec PRINT
      • WHERE

        public static final CmdSpec WHERE
      • HAVE

        public static final CmdSpec HAVE
      • REOPEN

        public static final CmdSpec REOPEN
      • DIRS

        public static final CmdSpec DIRS
      • INTEG

        public static final CmdSpec INTEG
      • RESOLVE

        public static final CmdSpec RESOLVE
      • RESOLVED

        public static final CmdSpec RESOLVED
      • JOBS

        public static final CmdSpec JOBS
      • FIXES

        public static final CmdSpec FIXES
      • JOBSPEC

        public static final CmdSpec JOBSPEC
      • FIX

        public static final CmdSpec FIX
      • JOB

        public static final CmdSpec JOB
      • LOCK

        public static final CmdSpec LOCK
      • UNLOCK

        public static final CmdSpec UNLOCK
      • DIFF

        public static final CmdSpec DIFF
      • COUNTERS

        public static final CmdSpec COUNTERS
      • USERS

        public static final CmdSpec USERS
      • MOVE

        public static final CmdSpec MOVE
      • LABELS

        public static final CmdSpec LABELS
      • LABEL

        public static final CmdSpec LABEL

        public static final CmdSpec LABELSYNC
      • TAG

        public static final CmdSpec TAG
      • MONITOR

        public static final CmdSpec MONITOR
      • GROUPS

        public static final CmdSpec GROUPS
      • GROUP

        public static final CmdSpec GROUP
      • BRANCH

        public static final CmdSpec BRANCH
      • BRANCHES

        public static final CmdSpec BRANCHES
      • COUNTER

        public static final CmdSpec COUNTER

        public static final CmdSpec INTEGRATED
      • ANNOTATE

        public static final CmdSpec ANNOTATE
      • DBSCHEMA

        public static final CmdSpec DBSCHEMA
      • EXPORT

        public static final CmdSpec EXPORT
      • SHELVE

        public static final CmdSpec SHELVE
      • UNSHELVE

        public static final CmdSpec UNSHELVE
      • PROTECTS

        public static final CmdSpec PROTECTS
      • PROTECT

        public static final CmdSpec PROTECT
      • USER

        public static final CmdSpec USER
      • REVIEWS

        public static final CmdSpec REVIEWS
      • REVIEW

        public static final CmdSpec REVIEW
      • DIFF2

        public static final CmdSpec DIFF2

        public static final CmdSpec INTERCHANGES
      • GREP

        public static final CmdSpec GREP
      • DEPOT

        public static final CmdSpec DEPOT

        public static final CmdSpec ATTRIBUTE
      • SPEC

        public static final CmdSpec SPEC
      • COPY

        public static final CmdSpec COPY

        public static final CmdSpec CONFIGURE
      • PASSWD

        public static final CmdSpec PASSWD

        public static final CmdSpec DISKSPACE

        public static final CmdSpec OBLITERATE
      • STREAMS

        public static final CmdSpec STREAMS
      • STREAM

        public static final CmdSpec STREAM

        public static final CmdSpec STREAMSPEC
      • ISTAT

        public static final CmdSpec ISTAT
      • MERGE

        public static final CmdSpec MERGE
      • LOGTAIL

        public static final CmdSpec LOGTAIL
      • TRUST

        public static final CmdSpec TRUST

        public static final CmdSpec RECONCILE

        public static final CmdSpec DUPLICATE
      • UNLOAD

        public static final CmdSpec UNLOAD
      • RELOAD

        public static final CmdSpec RELOAD
      • POPULATE

        public static final CmdSpec POPULATE
      • KEY

        public static final CmdSpec KEY
      • KEYS

        public static final CmdSpec KEYS
      • SEARCH

        public static final CmdSpec SEARCH
      • PROPERTY

        public static final CmdSpec PROPERTY
      • SIZES

        public static final CmdSpec SIZES

        public static final CmdSpec JOURNALWAIT
      • TRIGGERS

        public static final CmdSpec TRIGGERS
      • VERIFY

        public static final CmdSpec VERIFY

        public static final CmdSpec RENAMEUSER
      • GRAPH

        public static final CmdSpec GRAPH
      • REPOS

        public static final CmdSpec REPOS
      • TRANSMIT

        public static final CmdSpec TRANSMIT
      • LIST

        public static final CmdSpec LIST
      • RETYPE

        public static final CmdSpec RETYPE

        public static final CmdSpec HEARTBEAT
      • UNDO

        public static final CmdSpec UNDO
      • LICENSE

        public static final CmdSpec LICENSE

        public static final CmdSpec EXTENSION
      • TOPOLOGY

        public static final CmdSpec TOPOLOGY

        public static final CmdSpec STREAMLOG

        public static final CmdSpec RENAMECLIENT
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static CmdSpec[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (CmdSpec c : CmdSpec.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static CmdSpec valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • isValidP4JCmdSpec

        public static boolean isValidP4JCmdSpec​(java.lang.String str)
        Return true iff the passed-in string can be decoded as a valid P4CJCmdSpec. Matching is done case-regardless, and some leeway is allowed, but the decoding is done in the local locale, which may cause issues with arbitrary user-generated commands.
        str - candidate string
        true iff the candidate string can be decoded into a valid P4CJCmdSpec.
      • getValidP4JCmdSpec

        public static CmdSpec getValidP4JCmdSpec​(java.lang.String str)
        Return non-null p4j cmd spec iff the passed-in string can be decoded as a valid P4CJCmdSpec. Matching is done case-regardless, and some leeway is allowed, but the decoding is done in the English locale, which may cause issues with arbitrary user-generated commands but should help solve issues such as the dotted-i problem with Turkish locales.
        str - candidate string
        non-null p4j cmd spec iff the candidate string can be decoded into a valid P4CJCmdSpec.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a string suitable for passing to the lower levels of an IServer object as a Perforce command name. Usually means it's just the lower case representation of the name, but this is not guaranteed to be true. Most useful with the execMapXXX series of methods on IServer. Note the use of the English locale; this is to try to ensure that we don't trip up on off default locales like Turkish (with its dotted-i issue -- see e.g. job037128).
        toString in class java.lang.Enum<CmdSpec>
        See Also: