Interface IClientsDelegator

    • Method Detail

      • getClients

        java.util.List<IClientSummary> getClients​(GetClientsOptions opts)
                                           throws P4JavaException
        Get a list of IClientSummary objects for all Perforce clients known to this Perforce server.

        Note that this method returns light-weight IClientSummary objects rather than full IClient objects; if you need the heavy-weight IClient objects, you should use getClient().

        Note also that the returned IClient objects are not "complete", in the sense that implementations are free to leave certain attributes null for performance reasons. In general, at least the client's name, root, description, last modification time are guaranteed correct.

        opts - GetClientsOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        non-null (but possibly empty) list of Client objects for Perforce clients known to this Perforce server.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.
      • getClients

        java.util.List<IClientSummary> getClients​(java.lang.String userName,
                                                  java.lang.String nameFilter,
                                                  int maxResults)
                                           throws ConnectionException,
        Get a list of IClientSummary objects for all Perforce clients known to this Perforce server.

        Note that this method returns light-weight IClientSummary objects rather than full IClient objects; if you need the heavy-weight IClient objects, you should use getClient().

        Note also that the returned IClient objects are not "complete", in the sense that implementations are free to leave certain attributes null for performance reasons. In general, at least the client's name, root, description, last modification time are guaranteed correct.

        userName - user name
        nameFilter - limits output to clients whose name matches the nameFilter pattern. Corresponds to -enameFilter flag
        maxResults - If greater than zero, limit output to the first maxResults number of clients.
        non-null (but possibly empty) list of Client objects for Perforce clients known to
        ConnectionException - on error
        RequestException - on error
        AccessException - on error