Upgrading a CentOS/RHEL package installation

The section describes how to upgrade a Swarm CentOS/RHEL package installation to a newer release.

  • Swarm runtime dependencies change between releases, you must check that your system satisfies the Swarm runtime dependencies before starting the upgrade, see Runtime dependencies.
  • Review the PHP requirements before you upgrade Swarm, see PHP.

  • Review the Helix Core Server requirements before you upgrade Swarm, see Helix Core Server requirements.
  • Helix Core Server 2020.1 and later, permissions have changed for viewing and editing stream spec files in Swarm. To view and edit stream spec files in Swarm, the Swarm user must have admin permissions for the entire depot //...
  • If you are upgrading from Swarm 2017.2 or earlier, run the Swarm index upgrade after you have validated your upgrade. This is the last step of the upgrade and ensures that the review activity history is displayed in the correct order on the Dashboard, and Reviews list pages.

  • If you are upgrading from Swarm 2020.2 or earlier and have userids that contain the forward slash (/) character, add AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode to the VirtualHost block of your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/perforce-swarm-site.conf file. For more information about the VirtualHost block, see Apache configuration.

Upgrade Swarm


The following notes are applicable for CentOS/RHEL7 and RHEL 8 only:

  • As part of the PHP upgrade process your Apache 2.2 server will be stopped and disabled, if you are currently using the Apache 2.2 server for any other applications they will stop working. You will either need to upgrade these applications to work with PHP 7 or PHP 8 and Apache 2.4 or move them to another server.

  • Swarm 2019.1 to 2020.1: these versions of Swarm used PHP packages from the SCL repositories for CentOS/RHEL 7. This was to provide access to more recent versions of PHP than are available as standard on CentOS/RHEL. This required the use of the httpd24-httpd package for Apache. These were all installed into /opt/rh

    Swarm 2020.2 and later: these versions of Swarm uses the Remi repository for CentOS/RHEL 7 and RHEL 8. This provides PHP 7.4 installed in the standard file system structure. This means that the old httpd24-httpd version of Apache is no longer needed, and the standard system version of Apache is being used again.

    The SCL Apache site configuration file was installed at this location for Swarm 2019.1 to 2020.1:


    If this exists when Swarm is upgraded to 2020.2 and later, this file is copied to /etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf if there is no file at the destination. It is also re-written to change references from /var/log/httpd24 to /var/log/httpd

    If a site configuration file for Swarm already exists in /etc/httpd, the copy and re-write is not performed.

    After upgrade, httpd24-httpd is disabled.

  • To avoid seeing the Apache HTTP server Linux test page when you start the Apache server, comment out the content of the welcome.conf file located in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

  • To avoid loading the Apache HTTP server example configuration instead of the Swarm configuration when the Apache server starts, rename the autoindex.conf file located in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory to z-autoindex.conf or similar. This is required because Apache runs the first conf file it finds in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory (alphabetical order) and that must be the perforce-swarm-site.conf file.


From Swarm 2021.1, the Swarm package upgrade installs logrotate to manage your Swarm log rotation. If the package upgrade finds an existing custom logrotate configuration file for Swarm, the upgrade will notify you and give you details on how to disable the new logrotate configuration.

For information about the logrotate configuration, see Logrotate.

The following process attempts to minimize downtime, but a short period of downtime for Swarm users is unavoidable. There should be no downtime for your Helix Core Server. After a successful upgrade, all Swarm users are logged out.

If you are using Swarm in a production environment, we encourage you to test this upgrade process in a non-production environment first.

  1. Install the main Swarm package on the server to host Swarm.

    Follow the instructions for your OS distribution, see CentOS/REHL 7, RHEL 8, or RHEL 9 below:

    • CentOS/RHEL 7 (run these commands as root):

    • The full PHP and Apache upgrade process described below is only required the first time you upgrade to PHP 7.x. For future Swarm upgrades just run the Swarm upgrade steps, the ImageMagick steps if you want to install ImageMagick, and check that SELinux is working correctly.

      The upgrade process will deploy epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm to give Swarm access to the EPEL repository, deploy remi-release-7.rpm to give Swarm access to PHP 7.x and Apache 2.4, upgrade Swarm, stop and disable the Apache 2.2 server, copy and edit some Swarm files so they work with Apache 2.4, and finally start and enable the Apache 2.4 server.

      1. Deploy the epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm repository configuration package to give Swarm access to EPEL packages:
      2. yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

      3. Deploy the Remi repository configuration package to give Swarm access to PHP 7.x (only required the first time you upgrade to PHP 7.x):
      4. yum install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm


        If you don't deploy the Remi repository, you will see dependency errors when you do the next steps.

      5. Install the yum-utils package to give access to the yum-config-manager command:
      6. yum install yum-utils

      7. RHEL only: Enable the optional channel for some dependencies:
      8. subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

      9. Install the Default/Single version of PHP:
        1. Disable remi-php*:
        2. yum-config-manager --disable 'remi-php*'

        3. Enable PHP 7.4:
        4. yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74

        5. Run an upgrade for PHP, this will also upgrade the Swarm packages:
        6. yum update

      10. If you didn't run yum update in the previous step, run the Swarm package upgrade now:
      11. yum install helix-swarm helix-swarm-triggers helix-swarm-optional


        If you are upgrading from Swarm 2019.3 to Swarm 2021.1 or later, remove the Swarm PHP 7.1 files:

        yum remove $(yum list installed | grep php71 | awk '{print $1}')

      12. If you are upgrading from Apache 2.2, disable your Apache 2.2 HTTP server so that is does not automatically start:
      13. systemctl disable httpd

      14. If you are upgrading from Apache 2.2, stop your Apache 2.2 HTTP server:
      15. systemctl stop httpd

      16. If you have any special php.ini configuration options set, copy the php.ini file to the /etc/php.d/php.ini/ directory, for example:
      17. cp /etc/opt/rh/rh-php72/php.d/php.ini /etc/php.d/php.ini

      18. Copy the perforce-swarm-site.conf file to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory if it is not already in there, for example:
      19. cp /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf

      20. Replace the /log/httpd24 filepath with /log/httpd/ in the perforce-swarm-site.conf file using the sed command:
      21. sed -i "s#/log/httpd24/#/log/httpd/#g" /etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf

      22. Enable your Apache 2.4 HTTP server so that it automatically starts:
      23. systemctl enable httpd

      24. Start the Apache 2.4 HTTP server:
      25. systemctl start httpd

      26. Optional, ImageMagick: when ImageMagick is enabled, Swarm can display the following image formats: BMP, EPS, PSD, TGA, TIFF.

        1. Install ImageMagick:
        2. yum install ImageMagick

        3. Restart the web server to so that ImageMagick is picked up.
        4. systemctl restart httpd

      27. If you are upgrading from Swarm 2020.1, restart your Redis server:
      28. systemctl restart redis-server-swarm

      29. Check that SELinux is working correctly for your system. For instructions on configuring SELinux on CentOS/RHEL, see SELinux configuration.

    • RHEL 8 (run these commands as root):

      The full PHP and Apache upgrade process described below is only required the first time you upgrade to PHP 7.x. For future Swarm upgrades just run the Swarm upgrade steps, the ImageMagick steps if you want to install ImageMagick, and check that SELinux is working correctly.

      The upgrade process will deploy epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm to give Swarm access to the EPEL repository, deploy remi-release-8.rpm to give Swarm access to PHP 7.x and Apache 2.4, upgrade Swarm, stop and disable the Apache 2.2 server, copy and edit some Swarm files so they work with Apache 2.4, and finally start and enable the Apache 2.4 server.

      1. Deploy the epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm repository configuration package to give Swarm access to EPEL packages:
      2. dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

      3. Deploy the Remi repository configuration package to give Swarm access to PHP 7.x (only required the first time you upgrade to PHP 7.x):
      4. dnf install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm


        If you don't deploy the Remi repository, you will see dependency errors when you do the next steps.

      5. Install the yum-utils package to give access to the yum-config-manager command:
      6. dnf install yum-utils

      7. Enable the optional channel for some dependencies:
      8. subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-server-optional-rpms

      9. Install the Default/Single version of PHP:
        1. Enable the module stream for PHP 7.4:
        2. dnf module reset php

        3. Install PHP 7.4:
        4. dnf module install php:remi-7.4

        5. Run an upgrade for PHP, this will also upgrade the Swarm packages:
        6. dnf update

      10. If you didn't run dnf update in the previous step, run the Swarm package upgrade now:
      11. yum install helix-swarm helix-swarm-triggers helix-swarm-optional


        If you are upgrading from Swarm 2019.3 to Swarm 2021.1 or later, remove the Swarm PHP 7.1 files:

        yum remove $(yum list installed | grep php71 | awk '{print $1}')

      12. If you are upgrading from Apache 2.2, disable your Apache 2.2 HTTP server so that is does not automatically start:
      13. systemctl disable httpd

      14. If you are upgrading from Apache 2.2, stop your Apache 2.2 HTTP server:
      15. systemctl stop httpd

      16. If you have any special php.ini configuration options set, copy the php.ini file to the /etc/php.d/php.ini/ directory, for example:
      17. cp /etc/opt/rh/rh-php72/php.d/php.ini /etc/php.d/php.ini

      18. Copy the perforce-swarm-site.conf file to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory if it is not already in there, for example:
      19. cp /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf

      20. Replace the /log/httpd24 filepath with /log/httpd/ in the perforce-swarm-site.conf file using the sed command:
      21. sed -i "s#/log/httpd24/#/log/httpd/#g" /etc/httpd/conf.d/perforce-swarm-site.conf

      22. Enable your Apache 2.4 HTTP server so that it automatically starts:
      23. systemctl enable httpd

      24. Start the Apache 2.4 HTTP server:
      25. systemctl start httpd

      26. Enable your Apache 2.4 HTTP server so that it automatically starts:
      27. systemctl enable httpd

      28. Start the Apache 2.4 HTTP server:
      29. systemctl start httpd

      30. Optional, ImageMagick: when ImageMagick is enabled, Swarm can display the following image formats: BMP, EPS, PSD, TGA, TIFF.

        1. Install ImageMagick:
        2. yum install ImageMagick

        3. Restart the web server to so that ImageMagick is picked up.
        4. systemctl restart httpd

      31. If you are upgrading from Swarm 2020.1, restart your Redis server:
      32. systemctl restart redis-server-swarm

      33. Check that SELinux is working correctly for your system. For instructions on configuring SELinux on CentOS/RHEL, see SELinux configuration.
    • RHEL 9 (run these commands as root):
      1. Run an upgrade for PHP, this will also upgrade the Swarm packages:
      2. dnf update

      3. If you didn't run dnf update in the previous step, run the Swarm package upgrade now:
      4. yum install helix-swarm helix-swarm-triggers helix-swarm-optional


        If you are upgrading from Swarm 2019.3 to Swarm 2021.1 or later, remove the Swarm PHP 7.1 files:

        yum remove $(yum list installed | grep php71 | awk '{print $1}')

      5. Optional, ImageMagick: when ImageMagick is enabled, Swarm can display the following image formats: BMP, EPS, PSD, TGA, TIFF.

        1. Install ImageMagick:
        2. yum install ImageMagick

        3. Restart the web server to so that ImageMagick is picked up.
        4. systemctl restart httpd

      6. Check that SELinux is working correctly for your system. For instructions on configuring SELinux on CentOS/RHEL, see SELinux configuration.
  2. Swarm generally has several major updates each year, and may occasionally have a patch update between major updates. To determine whether a Swarm update is available.
  3. Run the following command as root:

    yum list updates | grep swarm

Swarm uses a Redis server to manage its caches. This is installed and configured on the Swarm machine during the upgrade. If you prefer to use your own Redis server, see Use your own Redis server.

Configuring Helix Core Server event notification

Swarm needs to know about a number of Helix Core Server events to operate correctly, this can be done by using Helix Core Server Extensions or Helix Core Server Triggers. Swarm installs include the Swarm Helix Core Server extension file and trigger scripts required for Swarm to get the events it needs from your Helix Core Server.

You must install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension or update your Triggers to complete the Swarm upgrade.

Do one of the following so that Swarm is notified about events on the Helix Core Server:

Installing the Swarm Helix Core Server extension

  • If you are using the Swarm Helix Core Server extension, Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers must not be installed.

  • You must be a user with super user permissions to install and configure Helix Core Server Extensions.


To install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension you need:

A compatible version of Helix Core Server for Helix Core Server Extensions:

  • Linux: Helix Core Server 2021.2 and later. If you are using an earlier version of Helix Core Server, you must use triggers.

  • Windows: Helix Core Server 2021.2 and later. If you are using an earlier version of Helix Core Server, you must use triggers.

You will also need:

  • Helix Core Server Extensions installed and configured on your Helix Core Server.

  • Your Swarm user password

  • A user with super permissions to install and configure Helix Core Server Extensions.

To install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension

There are two ways to install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension:

  • Run the interactive post-installation configuration script. See Install process using the interactive post-installation configuration script.


    The Swarm post-installation configuration script can be used in a few different ways. The steps below outline the most straightforward configuration using an interactive install, but you can review the options by running:

    sudo /opt/perforce/swarm/sbin/configure-swarm.sh -h

  • Alternatively, use the swarm-extctl.sh script file located in /opt/perforce/swarm/sbin directory. The swarm-extctl.sh script file specifically handles the extension upgrade. See Install process using the swarm-extctl.sh script.

Install process using the interactive post-installation configuration script

  1. Run the interactive post-installation configuration script to install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension:

    sudo /opt/perforce/swarm/sbin/configure-swarm.sh

    The configuration script displays a summary for your Swarm instance:

    configure-swarm.sh: Thu Feb 17 14:20:49 PDT 2021: commencing configuration of Swarm
    Summary of arguments passed:
    Interactive? [yes]
    Force? [no]
    P4PORT [(not specified, will prompt)]
    Swarm user [(not specified, will prompt, will suggest swarm)]
    Swarm password [(not specified, will prompt)]
    Email host [(not specified, will prompt)] Use Extensions? [(not specified, will prompt)]
    Swarm host [(not specified, will prompt, will suggest myhost)]
    Swarm port [(default (80))]
    Swarm base URL [(default (empty))]
    Create Swarm user? [yes]
    Super user [(not specified, will prompt)]
    Super password [(not specified, will prompt)]
  2. The configuration script prompts you for your Swarm configuration details.

    Enter your Swarm user password when prompted, all of the other details are pre-filled with your existing Swarm configuration. Press the [Enter] key to accept each of them.

  3. The script prompts you to use the Swarm Helix Core Server extension.

    Do you want to use Swarm's Helix Core server extension?
    Configuring Server extensions requires super user access to the Helix Server.
    If you install the Swarm server extension, do not install the Swarm triggers.
    Server extensions are supported for:
    * Linux: Helix server 19.2 and later.
    * Windows: Helix server 21.2 and later. 
    Use server extensions? (y/n) [n]
  4. Type y to use Helix Core Server Extensions.

  5. Sign in as a user with super permissions when prompted.

  6. The script checks that Helix Core Server Extensions can be installed.

  7. Note

    The script will:

    • check your Helix Core Server supports Helix Core Server Extensions

    • check if Helix Core Server Extensions are installed and configured on your Helix Core Server. If they are, Swarm does not need to do anything

    • check if Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers are installed on the server

    If any of these checks fail, Swarm will not install the Swarm Helix Core Server extension and will report the issues on the configuration summary screen.

  8. If Swarm Triggers are installed, you are prompted to remove them.

  9. Swarm triggers are installed on this server and must be removed
    before installing extensions. You can either have this script
    automatically remove them, or you can quit and do it manually. 
    Do you want to automatically remove the triggers? (y/n) [n]

    • Recommended: Type y to get the script to automatically remove the Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers.

    • The Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers are not deleted immediately, the triggers to be removed are listed so you can review them before removing them.

    • Type n to manually remove the Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers from the trigger spec file.

  10. The script requests confirmation that it is okay to remove the triggers:

  11. Are you sure it is okay to remove these triggers? (y/n) [n] 

    • Recommended: Type y to automatically remove the triggers if the list of triggers looks correct.

    • Note

      The script will:

      • save a timestamped copy of your old trigger spec to /opt/perforce/swarm/triggers.saved.yyyymmdd-hhmmss

      • save a timestamped copy of the new trigger spec to /opt/perforce/swarm/triggers.noswarm.yyyymmdd-hhmmss

      • remove the Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers from the trigger spec and save it

      If either of the trigger specs contain sensitive information, move them to a secure location.

    • Type n if you see something wrong with the Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers marked for removal or if you want to remove the triggers from the trigger spec manually. You are offered the option of automatically opening your trigger spec file in your default text editor or opening the file manually in a text editor. Save your changes and rerun the post-installation configuration script to complete the installation of the Swarm Helix Core Serverextension.

  12. The script will now install and configure the Swarm Helix Core Server extension for you. When it has completed the configuration, the configuration summary screen is displayed, for example:

  13. ...........
    - installing instance configuration
    Extension config swarm saved
    configure-swarm.sh: Thu Feb 17 14:31:36 PDT 2021: completed configuration of Helix Swarm
    ::  Swarm is now configured and available at:
    ::      http://myhost/
    ::  Ensure that you have configured the Swarm hostname in your
    ::  network's DNS, or have added an IP address-to-hostname
    ::  mapping to your computer's hosts configuration so that you
    :: can access Swarm. 
    ::  You may login as the Swarm user [swarm] using the password
    ::  you specified.
    ::  Server side extensions are installed and configured
    ::  on your P4D server.
    ::  Documentation for optional post-install configuration, such as
    ::  configuring Swarm to use HTTPS, operate in a sub-folder, or on a
    ::  custom port, is available:
    ::  https://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/swarm/setup.post.html

  14. The Swarm upgrade is now complete.

Install process using the swarm-extctl.sh script

  1. Navigate to the the swarm-extctl.sh script file located in /opt/perforce/swarm/sbin directory.

  2. Run the following commands as root:

    1. Backup the current configuration. Ensure that the current configuration is correctly backed up before continuing.

      sudo ./swarm-extctl.sh -p <masterserverIp:port> -u <username> save

    2. Remove the existing extension from the master.

      sudo ./swarm-extctl.sh -p <masterserverIp:port> -u <username> delete

    3. Install the latest version of Swarm Helix Core Server extension located on the Swarm server on the master. The following command will check for all saved configurations and apply them during install.

      sudo ./swarm-extctl.sh -p <masterserverIp:port> -u <username> install

  3. The Swarm upgrade is now complete.

Next step

Now Validate your upgrade.

Updating your triggers


If you are using Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers, the Swarm Helix Core Server extension must not be installed.

  1. Copy the new Swarm trigger script to your Helix Core Server machine. The trigger script is SWARM_ROOT/p4-bin/scripts/swarm-trigger.pl, and requires installation of Perl 5.08+ (use the latest available) on the Helix Core Server machine. If Swarm is using SSL, then the triggers also require the IO::Socket::SSL Perl module.


    Do not overwrite any existing trigger script at this time. Give the script a new name, for example: swarm-trigger-new.pl.

  2. Configure the Swarm trigger script by creating, in the same directory on the Helix Core Server machine, swarm-trigger.conf. It should contain:


    If you already have a swarm-trigger.conf file, no additional configuration is required.

    # SWARM_HOST (required)
    # Hostname of your Swarm instance, with leading "http://" or "https://".
    # SWARM_TOKEN (required)
    # The token used when talking to Swarm to offer some security. To obtain the
    # value, log in to Swarm as a super user and select 'About Swarm' to see the
    # token value.
    # ADMIN_USER (optional) Do not use if the Workflow feature is enabled (default)
    # For enforcing reviewed changes, optionally specify the normal Perforce user
    # with admin privileges (to read keys); if not set, will use whatever Perforce
    # user is set in environment.
    # ADMIN_TICKET_FILE (optional) Do not use if the Workflow feature is enabled (default)
    # For enforcing reviewed changes, optionally specify the location of the
    # p4tickets file if different from the default ($HOME/.p4tickets).
    # Ensure this user is a member of a group with an 'unlimited' or very long
    # timeout; then, manually login as this user from the Perforce server machine to
    # set the ticket.
    # VERIFY_SSL (optional)
    # If HTTPS is being used on the Swarm web server, then this controls whether
    # the SSL certificate is validated or not. By default this is set to 1, which
    # means any SSL certificates must be valid. If the web server is using a self
    # signed certificate, then this must be set to 0.
    # set the ticket.

    Fill in the required SWARM_HOST and SWARM_TOKEN variables with the configuration from any previous Swarm trigger script, typically swarm-trigger.pl.


    The ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_TICKET variables were used by the 'enforce triggers' in Swarm 2019.1 and earlier. They can be removed unless you are explicitly disabling workflow and using the deprecated 'enforce triggers'.


    Swarm 2015.4 and earlier: Swarm trigger script files were available as shell scripts in these earlier Swarm versions, typically swarm-trigger.sh.

    Swarm must now use a Perl trigger script file, typically swarm-trigger.pl.

  3. On Linux: ensure that the script is executable:

    sudo chmod +x swarm-trigger-new.pl

  4. Rename the new trigger script:

    On Linux:

    mv swarm-trigger-new.pl swarm-trigger.pl

    On Windows:

    ren swarm-trigger-new.pl swarm-trigger.pl

  5. Update the triggers in your Helix Core Server.

    1. Run the Swarm trigger script to capture (using Ctrl+C on Windows and Linux) the trigger lines that should be included in the Perforce trigger table:

      On Linux:

      ./swarm-trigger.pl -o

      On Windows:

      path/to/perl swarm-trigger.pl -o

    2. As a Perforce user with super privileges, update the Perforce trigger table by running p4 triggers command and replacing any swarm.* lines with the previously captured trigger line output (using Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux).

    If you previously customized the Swarm trigger lines, perhaps to apply various Trigger options, be sure to repeat those customizations within the updated trigger lines.

Next step

Now Validate your upgrade.

Validate your upgrade


When Swarm starts it verifies the Redis cache, during this time you cannot log in to Swarm. The time taken to verify the Redis cache depends on the number of users, groups, and projects Swarm has. Start-up time can be improved by persisting the memory cache. You can persist the memory cache by disabling background saves and enabling append saves in the redis-server.conf file, see Redis server configuration file.

Check that your upgraded Swarm instance is working correctly by doing the following:

  1. Create a new changelist that:
    1. Contains at least one modified file
    2. Contains the #review keyword in the changelist description
  2. Right click on the new changelist in P4V and click Shelve Files...
  3. Important

    Do not select Request New Swarm Review... because this method uses the API and will not fully test the Swarm Helix Core Server extension.

    This is also true if you are using Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers instead of the Swarm Helix Core Server extension.

  4. Check that a new Swarm review is created for the changelist.
    • If a Swarm review is created, the Swarm Helix Core Server extension is working. If you are using Swarm Helix Core Server Triggers instead of the Swarm Helix Core Server extension and the review is created, the triggers are working.
    • If a Swarm review is not created, see Review not created.

Swarm index upgrade

If you are upgrading from Swarm 2017.2 or earlier you should run the index upgrade, this ensures that the review activity history is displayed in the correct order on the Dashboard, and Reviews list pages.


If you are upgrading from Swarm version 2017.3 or later, the index upgrade step is not required.

The index upgrade process can be configured to suit your Swarm system specifications. See Upgrade index for details.

Run the upgrade as an Admin user by visiting the following URL:


After the Swarm upgrade, on the first visit to some Swarm pages, users might see a message to perform a browser hard refresh. This happens because we are updating the UI and content of some Swarm pages, so the user's page cache is no longer valid and requires a hard refresh to load the upgraded page. For example, for Chrome on Windows/Linux [CTRL]+[F5].

All done!