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Chapter 4
Tracking Changes Using Jobs

Displaying jobs

To display jobs, do any of the following:

To filter the displayed jobs:

  1. With jobs displayed, choose Jobs>Filter... The Job Filtering String dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter the desired job filter and click OK. (See "Specifying job filters" on page 46.)

To specify the number of jobs displayed:

  1. Choose Settings>Options...

  2. Click the Connection tab.

  3. In the Jobs List Pane group, specify the desired job display option.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

To specify the jobs a user can include in a changelist:

  1. Choose User>Edit user... The Perforce User Specification dialog is displayed.

  2. In the JobView field, specify the desired job filter and click Update. The user can now display the specified jobs for inclusion in changelists.

To specify the order in which job fields are displayed:

  1. Choose Job>Set job list columns. The Set Job List Columns dialog is displayed.

  2. Move the fields you want to display from the list on the right (These Columns may be added) to the list on the left (Show these Columns).

  3. Specify the order in which the fields are displayed by using the Up and Down buttons to sequence the fields.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

To display the field numbers for your job specification, use the p4 jobspec command from the operating system command line.

Managing jobs

Jobs enable you to record requests for work. You can associate jobs with changelists, to track the work done to fulfill the request; when the changelist is submitted, the job can be closed. See "Closing jobs using changelists" on page 48.

To create a job:

  1. Choose Job>New. The Perforce Job Specification form is displayed. For details about the form fields, click FormInfo.

  2. Enter the job information and click Update to save your entries. Perforce assigns the job a number.

To edit a job:

  1. In the right pane, select the job.

  2. Choose Job>Edit Spec jobnumber... The Perforce Job Specification form is displayed.

  3. Enter your changes and click Update.

To delete a job:

  1. In the right pane, select the job.

  2. Choose Job>Delete jobnumber. An "Are you sure?" prompt is displayed.

  3. Click Yes to delete the job.

Specifying job filters

A job filter enables you to display jobs containing specified words or values. You can use job filters when listing jobs in the right pane.

To specify a job filter, use the following syntax.


word word word

Words separated by spaces indicate that the job must contain all the words in the string in any of the job fields to be included in the filter.

filter file mailbox

Displays jobs containing all the words "filter", "file" and "mailbox" in any of the job fields.

word | word | word

Displays jobs that contain any of the specified words.


Displays jobs containing any of the words "filter", "file" and "mailbox" in any of the job fields.


Displays jobs that do not contain the specified word.

filter ^file

Displays jobs containing the word "filter" but not "file".


Displays jobs that include the specified value in the specified field.

status=open owner=edk

Displays open jobs owned by edk.


Displays jobs that do not include the specified value in the specified field.


fieldname = value+*

Displays jobs that contain the specified value in the specified field, including any combination of characters in the position of the asterisk wildcard.

owner=* *ed*

Displays jobs in which the owner field contains the substring ed, including such values as Ted, Edk, and Fred.


Displays jobs that contain the specified date, where "yyyy" is the year expressed in four-digit format and "mm", "dd", "hh", "mm" and "ss" are the month, day, hour, minute and second, respectively, expressed in two-digit format.


Displays jobs that contain the date February 12, 2000, 8:30 am.

You can combine the preceding formats. For example: debugger Status=open displays open jobs that contain the word "debugger".

Closing jobs using changelists

Jobs describe requests for work. Changelists can record the work that was done in response to a job. When you submit a changelist, you can associate jobs with it and specify the status to be assigned to the jobs. When you submit the changelist, the associated jobs are set to the status you specified in the changelist.

You can associate jobs with submitted changelists or pending numbered changelists. You cannot associate jobs with the default changelist.

To associate a job with a changelist:

  1. In the right pane, right-click the changelist and choose Add Job Fix... from the context menu. The Select Job(s) Fixed by Changelist dialog is displayed, listing the jobs to which your jobview selects. (If you have no jobview defined in your client specification, all jobs are displayed.)

  2. Choose the jobs you want to associate with the changelist.

  3. Click OK. The selected jobs are displayed with a icon in the list of files for the changelist.

If the changelist was submitted before you associated jobs with it, the jobs are updated after you select them (step 3 above). If the changelist has not been submitted, the jobs are updated when you submit the changelist. To specify the job status to which the associated jobs are set, set the JobStatus: field when you submit the changelist. If you do not specify a status, the job is set to closed.

Perforce 2002.1 P4Win Help in Print
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Last updated: 04/03/02