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p4 fix


Link jobs to the changelists that fix them.


p4 [g-opts] fix [ -d ] [ -s status ] -c changelist# jobName ...


The p4 fix command links jobs (descriptions of work to be done) to a changelist (a set of changes to files that does the work described by a job).

If the changelist has not yet been submitted, the job appears on the p4 submit or p4 change form for the changelist to which it's linked, and under normal circumstances, the status of the job is changed to closed when the changelist is submitted. If the changelist has already been submitted when you run p4 fix, the job's status is changed to closed immediately.

To change a job status to something other than closed when you submit a changelist, supply the -s option to p4 fix, p4 submit, or p4 change.

Because described work may be fixed over multiple changelists, one job may be linked to multiple changelists. Since a single changelist might fix ten bugs, multiple jobs can be linked to the same changelist. You can do this in one command execution by providing multiple jobs as arguments to p4 fix.



Delete the fix record for the specified job at the specified changelist. The job's status will not change.

-s status

Upon submission of the changelist, change the job's status to status, rather than the default value closed.

If the changelist to which you're linking the job been submitted, the status value is immediately reflected in the job's status.

If the changelist is pending, the job status is changed on submission of the changelist, provided that the -s flag is also supplied to p4 submit and the desired status appears next to the job in the p4 submit form's Jobs: field.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required




is displayed.

p4 fix -s status, p4 submit -s, and p4 change -s are intended for use as part of the Perforce Defect Tracking Integration (P4DTI). For more about P4DTI, see the P4DTI product information page at:

Under normal circumstances, end users do not use these commands, and use p4 submit and p4 change without the -s option. In this case, only the job number is required in the Jobs: field, and each job's status is set to closed on completion of the submit.


p4 fix -c 201 job000141 job002034

Mark two jobs as being fixed by changelist 201.

If changelist 201 is still pending, the jobs' status is changed to closed when the changelist is submitted.

p4 fix -c 201 -s inprogress job002433

Mark job002433 as inprogress, rather than closed, when changelist 201 is submitted.

Requires use of the -s flag with p4 submit.

Related Commands

To add or delete a job from a pending changelist

p4 change

To add or delete a job from the default changelist

p4 submit

To view a list of connections between jobs and changelists

p4 fixes

To create or edit a job

p4 job

To list all jobs, or a subset of jobs

p4 jobs

To change the format of jobs at your site (superuser only)

p4 jobspec

To read information about the format of jobs at your site

p4 jobspec -o

Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 fixes
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Copyright 1999-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 02/25/03