Edit the jobs template.
p4 [g-opts] jobspec p4 [g-opts] jobspec [-i] p4 [g-opts] jobspec -o
The p4 jobspec command presents the Perforce administrator with a form in which job fields can be edited, created, deleted, and refined.
Do not confuse the names of the fields in the p4 jobspec form with the names of the fields within a job. The fields in the p4 jobspec form are used to store information about the fields in the p4 jobs form.
Form Fields
Field Name
A list of field definitions for your site's jobs, one field per line. Each line has five parts, and is of the form code name type length persistence.
- code: a unique integer that identifies the field internally to Perforce. The code must be between 101 and 199. Codes 101 to 105 have additional restrictions; please see the Usage Notes below for more details.
- name: the name of the field. This can be changed at any time, while the code should not change once jobs have been created.
- datatype: the datatype of the field. Possible values are:
- word: a single arbitrary word
- date: a date/time field
- select: one of a fixed set of words
- line: one line of text
- text: a block of text, starting on the line underneath the fieldname.
- length: recommended length for display boxes in GUI clients accessing this field. Use a value of 0 to let the client choose its own value.
- persistence: does the field have a default value? Is it required? Is it read-only? Possible values are:
- optional: field can take any value or be erased.
- default: a default value is provided; it can be changed or erased.
- required: a default value is provided; it can be changed but the user must enter a value.
- once: read-only; the field value is set once to a default value and is never changed.
- always: read-only; the field's value is set to a new default when the job is edited. This is useful only with the $now and $user variables; it allows you to change the date a job was modified and the name of the modifying user.
Contains a lists of fields and valid values for select fields.
Enter one line for each field of datatype select. Each line must contain the fieldname, a space, and the list of acceptable values separated by slashes. For example:
- JobType bug/request/problem.
Contains a list of fields and their default values for each field that has a persistence of default, required, once, or always.
Each line must contain the field name and the default value, separated by a space. For example:
- JobType bug
Any one-line string can be used, or one of three built-in variables:
- $user: the user who created the job
- $now: the current date
- $blank: the phrase <enter description here>
- When users enter jobs, any fields in your jobspec with a preset of $blank must be filled in by the user before the job is added to the system.
Textual comments that appear at the top of each p4 job form. Each line must begin with the comment character #.
See the Usage Notes below for special considerations for these comments if your users need to enter jobs through P4Win, the Perforce Windows Client.
Write the jobspec form to standard output.
Read the jobspec form from standard input.
See the Global Options section.
Usage Notes
Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier?
Can File Arguments Use Revision Range?
Minimal Access Level Required
admin, or list to use the -o flag
- Certain field codes have special significance to Perforce. Do not delete the default fields 101 through 105 in the jobs system; use p4 jobspec only to add new fields (106 and above) to your jobs. Do not change the names or types of the following fields for any reason:
- 101: the job name. Required.
- 102: the job status. Optional; if present, p4 submit and p4 fix will set its value to closed, even if closed is not one of the status values defined in the jobspec.
- 103: the user who created the job.
- 104: the date the job was created.
- 105: the job description. Optional, but if not present, p4 change and p4 submit will no longer be able to display the job text.
- The jobspecs chapter of the Perforce System Administrator's Guide contains sample jobspecs; it's available at our Web site (http://www.perforce.com).
- The information in the Comments: fields is the only information available to your users to tell them how to fill in the job form. Please make your comments complete and understandable.
- The first line of each field's comment is also used by P4Win, the Perforce Windows Client, to display tooltips. The first line of each field's comment should be readable on its own.
Related Commands
To create, edit, or view a job
p4 job
To attach a job to a changelist
p4 fix
To list jobs
p4 jobs
To list jobs attached to specific changelists or changelists attached to specific jobs
p4 fixes