P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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There are essentially two steps to creating a label:

  1. Create the label spec, which defines the name of the label and label view.
  2. Perform a labelsync to populate the label with files.
Labelsync associates a set of files with the label and applies the label name to that set of files. Once you have performed the labelsync, you can refer to a set of files by their label name.

For more information about labels, see Working with Labels.

Labelsync restrictions

Bear in mind that you cannot use labelsync to update a label if: For more information about a label's fields, see Creating and Editing Labels.

To perform a labelsync:

  1. Select Go To->Labels.
  2. Click on the name of the label that you wish to labelsync.
  3. Select Run->Labelsync....
  1. Select Run->Label...
  2. Click the Labelsync option and select the name of the label from the drop down list.
  3. Click Continue.
On the Labelsync page,
  1. Under Revision: select one of the following radio buttons:

  2. Under Options: select one of the following radio buttons:

  3. Under Files: you can specify or restrict the files to labelsync. Select one of the following options:

  4. When you have finished defining the parameters of your labelsync,

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