P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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Browser Tips

This page points out some ways you can use your web browser to get the most out of P4Web.

Using bookmarks
Right-clicking on links
Using the "Back" button
Resetting the page content limit
Displaying file content
Reducing P4Web's impact on the Perforce Server
Using "action" buttons in the P4Web Control Panel
Workspace file link in the File Browser

Using bookmarks
You'll find that there are some P4Web pages you return to over and over. Use your browser's bookmark (or "favorites") feature to store quick access to those pages. Simply navigate to a P4Web page that you'll be returning to frequently, and bookmark it. You may want use your browser's bookmark editor to give the bookmark a more meaningful title.

You can use bookmarks to store any non-default settings you choose (current client, file display preferences, etc.) with Go To->Settings. You can also use a bookmark to save your Jobs list view preferences.

Right-clicking on links
In most browsers, right-clicking on a link lets you open the target page in a new window. In P4Web you can use this to look at two pages at once. For example:

Using the "Back" button:
Your browser's "Back" button can be used in combination with P4Web "Preview" buttons to preview a command first, then run it. For example, if you want to preview an integrate command to make sure files will be opened correctly, and then run the command, do this:

  1. Click P4Web's Run->Integrate... menu option

  2. Fill out the form to indicate how you want files opened for integrate

  3. Click the "Preview Integration" button and confirm that the files will be opened as you expected

  4. Click your browser's "Back" button to return to the form -- it should still contain the input you provided for the preview

  5. Click the "Integrate" button

Resetting the page content limit:
P4Web normally limits the amount of per-page data it sends to your browser to 1024K bytes. You'll see the message "WARNING: page content limit exceeded: data on this page has been truncated!" at the end of the page if that limit has been reached. If you have particularly large amounts of data you'd like to browse (extensive file histories, for example) you can increase that limit. Or, if your browser gets swamped displaying pages at the 1024K byte limit, you can decrease the limit. To reset the limit use Go To->Settings.

Displaying file content:
P4Web provides two kinds of file content display:

Reducing P4Web's impact on the Perforce Server:
If you are working with very large Perforce depots, you can reduce P4Web's impact on the Perforce Server by:

Using "action" buttons in the P4Web Control Panel:
After selecting an item from any drop-down menu in the P4Web Control Panel, you must click its corresponding "action" button (Run, Show, or Go To) to execute the command. You cannot use the Enter key for this purpose.

Workspace file link in the File Browser:
When you are in the File Browser, you may see a field entitled Workspace: which is followed by a link to the file on your workspace. If that link is displayed and you click on the file name, the contents of the file are displayed in your browser window. Note the following restrictions:

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