P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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Reverting Files

The revert command closes opened files by taking them out of your pending changelist instead of submitting them. It also affects your workspace as follows:

You can revert files by:

The Revert Page

Run->Revert... takes you to the Revert page. Select the options you want and click the command button to either preview the revert or revert the files.

Preview Revert - Click on this button to see a preview of the revert without actually reverting the files.
Revert - Click this button to actually revert the files.

Restrict to unchanged files - this option causes revert to operate on only the files you have not yet modified in your workspace. (Note that files opened for add, delete, or branch/add, and files that have been resolved, are considered "modified".)
Restrict to changelist (changelist number) - this option causes revert to operate only on the files in the changelist that you select in the drop-down box.

Restricting files
If you came to the Revert Options page via the Path Browser, you can select the files to revert.

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