P4Web Release 2003.2 Beta User Guide
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Finding Files

You can use P4Web to find Perforce depot files whose names and/or paths match a pattern you specify.

To search for a depot file:

  1. Navigate to the depot path in which you'd like to search.
    (You can search from the root of the depot tree, but if your depots are very large you'll reduce the work the Perforce Server has to do for you by running your search from a lower-level path.)
  2. Click the radio button next to the Files matching: field.
  3. Enter a pattern to match in that field. You can use these Perforce wildcards:
    * match at a particular directory level
    ... match at any subdirectory level
  4. When you have finished, click the Filter button.

P4Web appends the pattern you enter to the current path to find the depot files that match. P4Web uses the current client view mapping to find depot files. Note that P4Web looks for the depot files that match the pattern; it doesn't scan your actual workspace. When it finds files, P4Web shows their depot location, not their workspace location. To find out where a particular file is located in your workspace, click on the name of that file.


Current path Pattern Could find
//depot/project/titan/ *.html //depot/project/titan/index.html
//depot/project/titan/ .../*.html //depot/project/titan/index.html
c:\myworkspace\titan\docs\ *.html //depot/project/titan/index.html

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