P4Web Release 2003.2 Beta User Guide
[Getting Started]  [How To...]  [Browser Tips]  [Glossary]  [Road Map]  

P4Web "Road Map"

This page provides a "road map" to P4Web documentation. If you're already a Perforce user, this page will tell you how to use P4Web to do familiar Perforce tasks. Users new to Perforce should read Getting Started with Perforce and P4Web first, then return to this page for pointers to more detailed information about a particular task.

Complete Index
At the bottom of this page, you'll find a complete index of P4Web Help pages.

Standard and Viewer modes

The P4Web process you point your browser to is either Standard or Viewer mode:

Tree vs. File view

P4Web provides two views to show you Perforce information at a glance:

Both the Tree and the File views can optionally show recent depot activity in the control panel at the top of the page. These are the most recent changes that have affected the path or file you are currently browsing. You always know at a glance what's going on with the files you are working on. See Using the Control Panel to find out how to turn recent activity display on and off.

Back-in-Time Browsing®

If you are storing web site files in your Perforce depot, you may be able to use Back-in-Time Browsing® to view your entire web site as it appeared at any previous point in time.


Your current client determines which workspace you are using. You'll see your current client name displayed at the top of every P4Web page in the control panel. You can use the Client Workspaces page to show you the list of existing (already defined) clients. You can switch clients using from either the Clients page or the Settings page.

The files and paths in your workspace are determined by your client spec. To create or modify a client spec, use the Edit Client Spec page.


To find out how to submit changed files from your workspace into the depot, see Submitting Files in a Pending Changelist.

Perforce keeps a permanent record of file changes submitted by users. Submitted Changelists describes how to list changes that have occured in an entire path as well as in a single file.

You can organize your opened files into more than one pending changelist in your workspace. Edit A Pending Changelist describes how to create, modify, or delete pending changelists.


The Tree view shows you your opened files (files you are working on) in the current path at a glance. It also shows you which files at each path level are in sync with the depot and which are not. See Using the Tree view for links to help on the commands you can run on all files in a path. For help on per-file operations, see the links in Using the File view.

The File view lets you peruse File History and view file content at any revision.

For information about merging changes between files and resolving conflicts, see Resolving Files.

Branching and integration

Perforce lets you branch single files and/or entire directory hierarchies of files from each other, as described in Integrating Files. P4Web allows you to create and edit branch specs. Browse existing branch views with the Branches page.


The Users page shows all users known to the Perforce system.

If you're using P4Web in Standard mode you'll see your own Perforce user name at the top of each page, in the control panel. You can edit your user spec with the Edit User Spec page. New users should edit their user spec immediately to set a Perforce password so that no one else can use their Perforce username in P4Web to modify files in their workspace. For more information, see Passwords and Authentication.


Existing labels are shown on the Labels page. You can create and edit labels, as well as add or remove files from a label using P4Web.


P4Web supports limited access to the Perforce job system. The Jobs page is a configurable page that lists jobs by name. From the Jobs page, you can use P4Web to create and edit jobs.

P4Web Help File Index

General Info
  • Back-in-Time Browsing®
  • Browser Tips
  • Command Results Page
  • Depot Browsing vs. Workspace Browsing
  • Displaying Perforce Server Info
  • Errors Using P4Web and Perforce
  • Getting Started with Perforce and P4Web
  • Glossary
  • How To...
  • P4Web Standard mode
  • P4Web Viewer mode
  • Passwords and P4Web
  • Settings and Preferences
  • Using the Control Panel
  • Using the File View
  • Using the Tree View
  • Working with Files
  • Adding New Files
  • Changing Filetypes
  • Revision History
  • Filetypes
  • Finding Files
  • Integrating Files
  • Integrating Files at the File Level
  • Integrating Files at the Path Level
  • Launching an Editor
  • Locking Opened Files
  • Opening Files for Add
  • Opening Files for Delete
  • Opening Files for Edit
  • Removing Files from Your Workspace
  • Resolving Files
  • Restricting Files Used in Commands
  • Reverting Files
  • Selecting Files to Add
  • Submitting Files
  • Syncing Files
  • Unlocking Files
  • Viewing File History
  • Branching and
  • Creating and Editing Branch Specs
  • Deleting a Branch Spec
  • Working with Branches

  • Integrating Files
  • Integrating Files via the File Browser
  • Integrating Files via the Path Browser
  • Changelists
  • Displaying Submitted Changelists
  • Editing a Pending Changelist
  • Listing Pending Changelists
  • Viewing a Changelist Description
  • Client Workspaces
  • Editing Client Specs
  • Working with Client Specs
  • Jobs
  • Creating and Editing Jobs
  • Deleting a Job
  • Job Field Descriptions
  • Working with Job Specs
  • Labels
  • Creating and Editing Labels
  • Deleting a Label
  • Adding and Removing files from a Label
  • Working with Labels
  • Users
  • Editing Your User Spec
  • Working with User Specs

  • Copyright 2003
    Perforce Software. All rights reserved.