P4Web Release 2003.2 Beta User Guide
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Using The Tree view

The Tree view is the page P4Web shows you when you first connect. It's where you'll spend most of your time in P4Web. You can use it to navigate through path hierarchies and run commands that affect all the files in the current path at once. (Note that if you are using P4Web in Viewer mode instead of Standard mode, only a subset of commands are available to you.)

Show/Hide Recent Activity
"Show/Hide Recent Activity"
The control panel offers menus and shortcut buttons, described below. The "Show Recent Activity" button can be used to turn on a display of the most recent changelists affecting the files in the current path.

The current path is shown at the top of the tree. Each level in the current path heading is a link. Use these links to navigate back up the path hierarchy. Files and subdirectories in that appear beneath the heading are links to directories and files. Click on those links to navigate down the path hierarchy.

You can browse either depot or workspace paths in the Tree view. See Depot Browsing vs. Workspace Browsing to find out what the difference is, why each is useful, and how to switch between them.

Note that even though the Tree view may display individual files, you can't run commands on individual files from here. You must click on the individual file to run commands on it, using the File view.

Files shown in the Tree view have state icons showing their current state in the depot and in your workspace; see below for a key to their meanings.


These drop-down menus are available in the Tree view:

File state icons

File state details

Each file shown in the Tree view is followed by state details that look like:

#[have]/[head] [filetype]
For example, the file state "#4/6 text+x" means that the revision you have in your workspace is #4, the head revision of the file is #6, and its filetype is "executable text".

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