P4Web Release 2008.2 User Guide
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Creating and Editing Labels

A label provides a means for marking a particular set of file revisions for later access. The label spec defines the label's name and its label view. For more information about labels, see Working with Labels.

Creating a label spec
There are a couple of ways to create a label spec in P4Web.

To create a new label spec in P4Web:,
  1. Select the Labels tab.
  2. Click on the Create label spec link at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a name for the label spec in the Label field.
  4. Edit the remaining fields as described below.
  5. When you are finished, click the Save button.
To create a label spec using another label spec as a template:

  1. Select the tab.
  2. Click on the label that you want to use as a template.
  3. Select Use label as template... from the Action menu.
  4. Edit the fields as described below.
  5. When you are finished, click the Save button.

Editing a label spec
  1. Select the Labels tab.
  2. Click the label that you want to edit.
  3. Select Edit label spec... from the Action menu.
  4. Edit the label spec as desired, using the field descriptions below.
  5. When you have finished editing the label spec, click the Save button.

Label spec field descriptions
The label spec consists of the following values:
Field Description
Label The unique name of this label.
Update Shows the date when this label spec was last modified.
Access The date and time the label was last accessed.
Owner The label's owner. By default, the user who created the label. Only the owner of a label can update its contents.
Description Optional information that can be used to describe this label spec.
Options Can either be locked or unlocked. If the label is locked, its contents cannot be changed.
View A list of depot files that can be included in this label. No files are actually included until you sync the label.

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