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p4 fixes


List jobs and the changelists that fix them


p4 [g-opts] fixes [-i] [-j jobname] [-c changelist#] [file[revrange]...]


Once a job has been linked to a particular changelist with p4 fix, p4 change, or p4 submit, and once the changelist has been submitted, the job is said to be fixed by the changelist. p4 fixes lists changelists and the jobs they fix.

By default, p4 fixes displays all fix records. Fix records are displayed in the following format:

jobname fixed by change changelist# on date by user

You can limit the listed fixes in three ways:

These limiters can be combined to further restrict the output of p4 fixes.


-c changelist# Limit the displayed fixes to those that include the specified changelist.
-j jobname Limit the displayed fixes to those that include the specified job.
-i files... Include fixes made by changelists that affected files that were integrated into the specified files.
g_opts See global options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arg Use
Revision Specifier?
Can File Arg
Use Revision Range?
Access Level Required
Yes Yes list


p4 fixes //depot/proj1/... Display all fixes made by changelists that included any files under //depot/proj1.
p4 fixes -c 414 Display all jobs fixed by changelist 414.

Related Commands

To create or edit an existing job p4 job
To list all jobs known to the system p4 jobs
To attach a job to a particular changelist, indicating that the job is fixed by that changelist p4 fix
To change the format of jobs at your site (superuser only) p4 jobspec
To read information about the format of jobs at your site. p4 jobspec -o

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Last updated: 09/15/99 (Manual version