Field Name |
Fields: |
A list of fields that will appear in your sites jobs, listed one per line. Each line has five parts: code name type length persistence.
- code: a unique integer that identifies the field internally to Perforce. The code must be between 101 and 199. Codes 101 to 105 have additional restrictions; please see the Usage Notes below for more details.
- name: the name of the field. This can be changed at any time, while the code should not change once jobs have been created.
- datatype: the datatype of the field. Possible values are:
- word: a single arbitrary word
- date: a date/time field
- select: one of a fixed set of words
- line: one line of text
- text: a block of text, starting on the line underneath the fieldname.
- length: recommended length for display boxes in GUI clients accessing this field. Use a value of 0 to let the client choose its own value.
- persistence: does the field being described have a default value? Is it required? Is it read-only? Possible values are:
- optional: field can take any value or can be deleted
- default: a default value is provided; it can be changed or erased.
- required: a default value is provided; it can be changed but the field can't be left empty.
- once: read-only; the field value is set once to a default value and is never changed.
- always: read-only; the field's value is set to a new default when the job is edited. This is useful only with the $now and $user variables; it allows you to to change the date a job was modified and the name of the modifying user.
Values-fieldname |
Lists valid values for select fields. There should be one of these for each select field, with fieldname replaced by the name of the field. For example, a select field foo would have a corresponding Values-foo field.
Values are entered on a single line, separated by a slash (/), and with no spaces (e.g. bug/request/problem)
Preset-fieldname |
Contains the default values for each field that has a persistence of default, required, once, or always. Any one-line string can be used, or one of three built-in variables:
- $user: the user who created the job
- $now: the current date
- $blank: the phrase <enter description here>
Comments: |
Textual comments that will appear at the top of each p4 job form. Each line must begin with the comment character #. See the Usage Notes, below, for special considerations for these comments when any of your users will enter jobs through P4Win, the Perforce Windows GUI client.