White paper
How to Improve Embedded Systems Security
Embedded software is used in some of the world's most important systems (including automobiles and medical devices) — where security risks could lead to fatalities. That's why it's time to improve the security of embedded systems.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Helix QAC
White paper
How to Compare MISRA Checkers
In this white paper about MISRA checkers, you'll learn why some MISRA checkers are better than others, how to enforce undecidable MISRA rules, and what to look for in your MISRA C checker and MISRAA C++ checker.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Helix QAC
White paper
6 Key Changes in MISRA C:2012 Coding Guidelines
MISRA C is one of the most widely used coding standards. But the C language has evolved since the first version of MISRA C came out. And MISRA C has evolved, too, with the latest change in MISRA C:2012.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Helix QAC