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Industry news and thought leadership.


Git Overview: Strategies For Better Git Development

To succeed in Git development, there's A LOT you need to know. Get a complete Git overview — including top commands, best practices, and tools.
Version Control, Helix Core

Your Guide to Developing a Multicloud Data Strategy

Download this eBook and dive into key data challenges IT teams must overcome when mapping out a multicloud strategy.
Data Management, Delphix
White paper

How to Lock Down Git

Git allows bad behavior — unless you lock it down. Get best practices for locking down Git.
Version Control, Helix Core

Detecting Spectre Variant 1 Using Klocwork

The Klocwork checker SPECTRE.VARIANT1 detects potential occurrences of Spectre variant 1 (CVE-2017-5753) in your code. In this video see how Klocwork static code analysis detects the vulnerability, including code walkthroughs of how the exploit and checker work.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Klocwork

Introduction to Continuous Integration with Klocwork

The adoption of Agile methods, DevOps, and continuous integration (CI) has taken the velocity of software development to unprecedented levels. Learn how you can use continuous integration within Klocwork to find and fix defects faster. 
DevOps, Software Quality, Klocwork

Bringing Static Code Analysis to Continuous Integration

It starts at the developer's desktop. Finding problems here, at the earliest possible point, means less testing later on and fewer downstream impacts to cost and schedule. Klocwork puts static code analysis and continuous integration where you need it.
DevOps, Software Quality, Klocwork

Achieving AUTOSAR C++14 Compliant Code with Klocwork

Despite the increase in developer productivity from the use of new language features, the requirement to produce software compliant safety-critical standards.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Klocwork

Static Code Analysis and Why Klocwork Is Different

Learn the basics about static code analysis and how Klocwork improves developer productivity and reduces time spent identifying different types of application issues.
Software Quality, Klocwork
White paper

How Static Analysis Automates Agile Software Development

Agile software development has become more common and necessary practice. However, to fully realize the benefits of Agile software development, software development teams must implement a reliable process for ensuring that their code is free of defects and security vulnerabilities.
DevOps, Security & Compliance, Klocwork
White paper

How to Defend Against Injection Attacks

This resource focuses on the prevention of injection vulnerabilities which refers to the ability of an attacker to insert specific commands into the application or code that will execute undesired behavior on their behalf.
Security & Compliance, Software Quality, Klocwork

Common Myths of Static Code Analysis

Dispel common myths and start benefiting from using a static code analysis tool.
Software Quality, Klocwork

DevOps Test Data Management Checklist

Read the eBook to find out how Trifecta, Fastweb, Paybay, and eHarmony provided production-quality data throughout the development cycle and reduced data-related defects and most common questions they asked during the process.
Data Management, Delphix