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Insights, Innovations, and Best Practices from Perforce Experts


Securing Your SQL Server Application: Enabling Client-Initiated Encrypted Connections

In part two of our series on securing SQL server applications, we explore a scenario in which you do not want to incur the overhead of encryption for every application. See the solution here.
Security & Compliance

5 New Uses for Virtual Reality Outside of Gaming

The application of virtual reality is being used across industries to create unique customer experiences. Dive into 5 virtual reality examples.
Digital Creation & Collaboration

What Is Product Lifecycle Management For Semiconductors?

Get an overview of product lifecycle management and key challenges for enterprise semiconductor development.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design

3D Previsualization (Previs) Software for Innovative Studios

3D previs software — like Unreal Engine and Unity — have transformed storyboarding. Learn how to bring your story to life.
Digital Creation & Collaboration, Version Control

Accelerate Automotive Infotainment Software Development

Automotive infotainment developers face a number of challenges, and they need software that enables them to accelerate development. 
Version Control

Hardware Design Best Practices

Find out how using Helix IPLM in tandem with a data management tool like Helix Core solves the unique challenges of hardware design.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design

Michelin Drives Sustainable Mobility Using Data and DevOps

An interview featuring Michelin’s Group Chief Digital & Information Officer Yves Caseau
Data Management

Performing Accurate Impact Analysis in Helix ALM

Forward impact analysis determines the child requirements and other dependent items that may be affected by requirement changes.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design, Application Lifecycle Management

Creating a System BoM For Software Development

In this blog, we discuss the importance of a system BoM (also know as a software bill of materials) in providing centralized management with full traceability plus IP and component security.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design

Creating a Software Bill of Materials

In this blog, discover why a software bill of materials is and why it is important for collaboration between hardware and software teams.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design

Mobile Games Development Best Practices for Teams

The most successful mobile game creators are using mobile game development tools to streamline and accelerate development. To iterate faster and meet increasing demands, get the best mobile game development software for your teams.
Digital Creation & Collaboration, Version Control

Open Banking & PSD2: How Slow, Risky Data Blocks Banking Success

For success in open banking, PSD2 remains an obstacle for financial institutions. Find out how compliant, fresh data can drive innovation.
Data Management, Security & Compliance