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Insights, Innovations, and Best Practices from Perforce Experts


How to Create Virtual Reality Retail Experiences

Virtual reality retail is all about creating new experiences for both retailers and customers. By leveraging game technology, VR in retail can drive virtual reality grocery shopping, furniture shopping, eyewear purchases, and more. Learn from our virtual reality retail examples.
Embedded Systems & Chip Design, Data Management

Enabling Oracle SSL/TLS Encryption

Read part two in our "Securing Your Oracle Application" series. In this article, we address some of the shortcomings of using the Oracle Native Network Encryption and discuss how enabling SSL/TLS encryption between the Oracle client and database can work instead.
Security & Compliance

What Is Continuous Development?

Continuous development includes almost every DevOps process. For that reason, it is important to understand what is continuous development to help you ensure that each of your DevOps processes are efficient and effective.
DevOps, Software Quality

Adding Numerical Libraries to Docker for C++ Microservices

Deploy a new C++ servlet that relies on the IMSL C Numerical Library (CNL). Demonstrating how 3rd party libraries can be incorporated into a Docker application to support writing more advanced servlets.

Lifecycle Management 101: Overview + Tools

Learn about three types of lifecycle management — application lifecycle management, IP lifecycle management, and API lifecycle management.

Enabling Oracle Native Network Encryption

In this article we will discuss how to secure network communication between your application and the Oracle database using Oracle Native Network Encryption. We will demonstrate how encryption can be enabled and leveraged from SourcePro DB with no source code changes to your application.
Security & Compliance

What Is UL 4600?

UL 4600 helps to ensure that fully autonomous vehicles are safe and reliable for those both on the road and pedestrians. Here, we explain what is UL 4600, why it’s important, and how to comply with it.
Security & Compliance, DevOps

Why Digital Resilience is a KPI Your Enterprise Needs

Innovation and digital transformation rely on digital resilience to turn business disruption into revenue opportunities. Hear from a Perforce Delphix expert on digital resilience in the enterprise.
Security & Compliance, Data Management

5 Ways to Effectively Import Your Product Requirements

Updating product requirements is inevitable. Here are 5 tips to effectively managing your product requirements with format specific breakdowns.
Application Lifecycle Management

Maya Version Control For Artists and Designers

Version control has become a critical tool for both developers and designers. But what Maya version control system is best for creatives?
Embedded Systems & Chip Design, Version Control

How to Use Incredibuild with Klocwork to Accelerate DevOps Productivity

DevOps organizations continually look for ways to accelerate DevOps productivity and expedite their time to market. Without the right integrated tools, this can be rather challenging.
DevOps, Software Quality

Why Is Traceability Important?

Why is traceability important in design and development processes? In this blog, we explain by examining examples of where a lack of traceability proved costly.
Security & Compliance, Embedded Systems & Chip Design