Class Changelist

    • Field Detail

      • fileSpecs

        protected java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs
      • jobIds

        protected java.util.List<java.lang.String> jobIds

        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION
        The default description string for new changelists created by newChangelist.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Changelist

        public Changelist()
        Default constructor; calls default superclass constructor.

        Actual users of this constructor need to ensure that the super-super-class ServeResource fields are set appropriately after calling this constructor.

      • Changelist

        public Changelist​(int id,
                          java.lang.String clientId,
                          java.lang.String username,
                          ChangelistStatus status,
                          java.util.Date date,
                          java.lang.String description,
                          boolean shelved,
                          Server serverImpl)
        Construct a changelist implementation given an explicit set of initial field values.

        This constructor requires a Server object as its serverImpl parameter; note that any server object returned by the ServerFactory will work, as long as it's downcast to Server. If it doesn't cast cleanly, then it is not suitable for use here.

        id - id
        clientId - client
        username - user name
        status - status
        date - date
        description - description
        shelved - shelved
        serverImpl - server
      • Changelist

        public Changelist​(int id,
                          java.lang.String clientId,
                          java.lang.String username,
                          ChangelistStatus status,
                          java.util.Date date,
                          java.lang.String description,
                          boolean shelved,
                          Server serverImpl,
                          IChangelistSummary.Visibility visibility)
        Construct a changelist implementation given an explicit set of initial field values.

        This constructor requires a Server object as its serverImpl parameter; note that any server object returned by the ServerFactory will work, as long as it's downcast to Server. If it doesn't cast cleanly, then it is not suitable for use here.

        id - id
        clientId - client
        username - user name
        status - status
        date - date
        description - description
        shelved - shelved
        serverImpl - server
        visibility - visibility
      • Changelist

        public Changelist​(IChangelistSummary summary,
                          IOptionsServer server,
                          boolean refresh)
                   throws ConnectionException,
        Construct a new Changelist using the passed-in changelist as a template. If summary and server are not null and refresh is true, perform a refresh from the Perforce server to initialize the full changelist.

        If changelist is null, this is equivalent to calling the default constructor.

        summary - summary
        server - server
        refresh - refresh
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
      • Changelist

        public Changelist​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map,
                          IOptionsServer serverImpl)
        Construct a changelist impl from the passed-in map and serverImpl parameters. Calls super(map, false, serverImpl) and additionally sets job ids associated with this changelist, if any.

        This constructor requires a Server object as its serverImpl parameter; note that any server object returned by the ServerFactory will work, as long as it's downcast to Server. If it doesn't cast cleanly, then it is not suitable for use here.

        map - map
        serverImpl - server
      • Changelist

        public Changelist​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map,
                          IServer serverImpl)
    • Method Detail

      • newChangelist

        public static Changelist newChangelist​(IServer server,
                                               java.lang.String clientName,
                                               java.lang.String description)
        Return a new local Changelist object with default values. Default values for all fields not mentioned in the parameter list are as given for the default Changelist and ChangelistSummary default constructors; the main exception is the user name, which is filled in with the current user name.

        Note that this object is a local object only -- you must subsequently call the client's createChangelist method to also create it on the server (or use the Factory.createChangelist convenience method).

        server - non-null IServer object to be associated with this changelist.
        clientName - non-null name of the client to be associated with this changelist
        description - if not null, the changelist description string; if null, defaults to Changelist.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION.
        new local Changelist object.
      • newChangelist

        public static Changelist newChangelist​(IClient client,
                                               java.lang.String description)
        Return a new local Changelist object with default values by calling newChangelist with server and client name values taken from the passed-in client object.

        Note that this object is a local object only -- you must subsequently call the client's createChangelist method to also create it on the server (or use the Factory.createChangelist convenience method).

        client - non-null client to be associated with
        description - if not null, the changelist description string; if null, defaults to Changelist.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION.
        new local Changelist object.
      • getServer

        public IServer getServer()
      • setServerImpl

        public void setServerImpl​(Server serverImpl)
      • getFiles

        public java.util.List<IFileSpec> getFiles​(boolean refresh)
                                           throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Get the list of files associated with this changelist, optionally refreshing the list from the server.

        If this is the first time this method has been called on this changelist, or if refresh is true, the file list is obtained from the server and copied locally to this object; otherwise, the local copy is returned.

        Note that the actual file list is returned; this file list is guaranteed mutable and you can change it "live" (by, for example, deleting files from it (deleting files is, in fact, the only thing that makes sense from a Perforce point of view)). Such changes will only be reflected back to the server when a submit is done; adding files to this list results in undefined behavior.

        The IFileSpec objects returned are not guaranteed to have any fields except depot path, version, and action valid (and, in fact, if it comes directly from the server, those are usually the only fields that are valid.

        Note that the Perforce server side of the submit() processing expects all file lists to be in canonical depot path form; file specs in the associated submit file list that don't have a depot spec will be left untouched (this is a Perforce thing, not a P4Java thing).

        This is one of the guaranteed "live" method on this interface, and will return the list as it exists when called (rather than when the underlying implementation object was created) if refresh is true. This can be an expensive method to evaluate, so don't use it willy-nilly.

        Specified by:
        getFiles in interface IChangelist
        refresh - if true, get a new list from the server rather than return the local copy.
        a non-null (but possibly-empty) list of files known to be associated with this changelist.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
      • getDiffs

        public getDiffs​(DiffType diffType)
                                     throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with this changelist.

        This is one of the guaranteed "live" method on this interface, and will return the diff output as it exists when called (rather than when the underlying implementation object was created). This can be an expensive method to evaluate, and can generate reams and reams (and reams) of output, so don't use it willy-nilly.

        You should remember to close the returned InputStream when finished with the stream, in order to release the underlying io resources. Failure to do this may leave temporary files lying around or cause inefficient memory usage.

        Specified by:
        getDiffs in interface IChangelist
        diffType - diff type
        InputStream onto the diff stream. Note that while this stream will not be null, it may be empty.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • getDiffsStream

        public getDiffsStream​(GetChangelistDiffsOptions opts)
                                           throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with this changelist.

        This is one of the guaranteed "live" method on this interface, and will return the diff output as it exists when called (rather than when the underlying implementation object was created). This can be an expensive method to evaluate, and can generate reams and reams (and reams) of output, so don't use it willy-nilly.

        You should remember to close the returned InputStream when finished with the stream, in order to release the underlying io resources. Failure to do this may leave temporary files lying around or cause inefficient memory usage.

        Specified by:
        getDiffsStream in interface IChangelist
        opts - GetChangelistDiffs object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        InputStream onto the diff stream. Note that while this stream will not be null, it may be empty.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.
        See Also:
      • getJobIds

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getJobIds()
                                                   throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Return a list of Perforce jobs IDs for jobs marked as associated with this changelist. This method is relatively lightweight compared to the getJobList method.

        Note that "associated" here usually means "fixed", but that is not always the case.

        Specified by:
        getJobIds in interface IChangelist
        non-null but potentially empty list of job ID strings
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • getCachedJobIdList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCachedJobIdList()
                                                            throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Return a cached list of job Id's associated with this changelist. This method is not "live", meaning it's quick and cheap to call, but it does not necessarily reflect the current jobs associated with the list on the Perforce server -- it reflects only the jobs associated with the server when the changelist object was retrieved from the server, or when the last live getJobIdList method was called. Usually safe to call immediately after retrieving the changelist, or soon after a live getJobIdList call.
        Specified by:
        getCachedJobIdList in interface IChangelist
        non-null but potentially empty list of job ID strings
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • getJobs

        public java.util.List<IJob> getJobs()
                                     throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Return a list of Perforce jobs marked as associated with this changelist. This method is relatively heavyweight compared to the getJobID method.

        Note that "associated" here usually means "fixed", but that is not always the case.

        Specified by:
        getJobs in interface IChangelist
        non-null but potentially empty list of Perforce jobs
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • submit

        public java.util.List<IFileSpec> submit​(boolean reOpen,
                                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> jobIds,
                                                java.lang.String jobStatus)
                                         throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Submit this changelist and associate it with the passed-in jobs. Will fail with a suitable request exception if this is not a pending changelist associated with the current client.

        If the submit is successful, the status of the underlying changelist will be updated to reflect the new status. Other fields will not be automatically updated and need to be refreshed with the refresh() method if you need to access them live.

        Note that the list of filespecs returned from the submit will contain only summary filespecs for successful files -- generally only the depot path, action, and revisions fields will be valid; other fields may be null or undefined depending on the server and client implementations. That is, do not rely on the returned filespec list for anything other than depot paths.

        Note also that any jobIds and / or job status arguments will override any jobIds already associated with this object on submission (i.e. jobs in the local object's job list).

        Specified by:
        submit in interface IChangelist
        reOpen - if true, reopen the submitted files for editing after a successful submit.
        jobIds - if non-null, contains a list of job IDs for jobs that will have their status changed to fixed or "jobStatus", below. This list will override any existing list attached to the changelist as a result of a refresh operation after fixing a job, etc.
        jobStatus - if jobIds is non-null, contains a string to which the jobs in the jobIds list will be set on a successful submit; if null the jobs will be marked fixed.
        list of affected file specs and / or info / error messages from the Perforce server
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
        IChangelist.submit(boolean, java.util.List, java.lang.String)
      • submit

        public java.util.List<IFileSpec> submit​(SubmitOptions opts)
                                         throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Submit this changelist and associate it with any jobs in the passed-in options. Will fail with a suitable request exception if this is not a pending changelist associated with the current client.

        If the submit is successful, the status of the underlying changelist will be updated to reflect the new status. Other fields will not be automatically updated and need to be refreshed with the refresh() method if you need to access them live.

        Note that the list of filespecs returned from the submit will contain only summary filespecs for successful files -- generally only the depot path, action, and revisions fields will be valid; other fields may be null or undefined depending on the server and client implementations. That is, do not rely on the returned filespec list for anything other than depot paths.

        Note also that any jobIds and / or job status arguments given to the SubmitOptions argument will override any jobIds already associated with this object on submission (i.e. jobs in the local object's job list).

        Specified by:
        submit in interface IChangelist
        opts - SubmitOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        list of affected file specs and / or info / error messages from the Perforce server.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.
        See Also:
      • submit

        public void submit​(SubmitOptions opts,
                           IStreamingCallback callback,
                           int key)
                    throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Submit this changelist and associate it with any jobs in the passed-in options. Will fail with a suitable request exception if this is not a pending changelist associated with the current client.

        Note that this method takes an IStreamingCallback parameter, and the results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it.

        Specified by:
        submit in interface IChangelist
        opts - SubmitOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        callback - a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.
        key - an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.
        See Also:
        IChangelist.submit(com.perforce.p4java.option.changelist.SubmitOptions, com.perforce.p4java.server.callback.IStreamingCallback, int)
      • submit

        public java.util.List<IFileSpec> submit​(boolean reOpen)
                                         throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Submit this changelist. Will fail with a suitable request exception if this is not a pending changelist associated with the current client.

        If the submit is successful, the status of the underlying changelist will be updated to reflect the new status. Other fields will not be automatically updated and need to be refreshed with the refresh() method if you need to access them live.

        Note that the list of filespecs returned from the submit will contain only summary filespecs for successful files -- generally only the depot path, action, and revisions fields will be valid; other fields may be null or undefined depending on the server and client implementations. That is, do not rely on the returned filespec list for anything other than depot paths.

        Specified by:
        submit in interface IChangelist
        reOpen - if true, reopen the submitted files for editing after a successful submit.
        list of affected file specs and / or info / error messages from the Perforce server
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • update

        public void update()
                    throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IServerResource
        Update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific and will be spelled out for each participating object.

        The results of calling this method on objects whose canUpdate method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

        Specified by:
        update in interface IServerResource
        update in class ServerResource
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • update

        public void update​(boolean force)
                    throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IServerResource
        Force (if true) update the Perforce server object associated with the underlying P4Java object, if possible. The semantics of server updates are generally object-specific and will be spelled out for each participating object.

        Note, in order to force the change it may require super user / admin privileges to work properly.

        The results of calling this method on objects whose canUpdate method returns false are undefined (but will generally result in a UnimplementedError being thrown).

        Specified by:
        update in interface IServerResource
        update in class ServerResource
        force - if true, force the update of the object on the server.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • updateOnServer

        public void updateOnServer​(boolean refresh)
                            throws ConnectionException,
        use update optionally followed by refresh()
        Description copied from interface: IChangelist
        Update the Perforce server's version of this changelist. All known non-null fields will be updated. Basically, when called with a refresh parameter of false, this is a convenience method for the IServerResource update().

        Specified by:
        updateOnServer in interface IChangelist
        refresh - if true, does a refresh() behind the scenes after a successful return.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
        See Also:
      • getFileSpecs

        public java.util.List<IFileSpec> getFileSpecs()
      • setFileSpecs

        public void setFileSpecs​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs)