Displaying the Revision History of a File or Folder
To display a file's revision history,
context-click the file icon and choose File
History. The History tab displays the
file's history, including integration and label history. If a file revision is
currently in your workspace, it is indicated with a red box: .
To get a specific revision into your workspace, context-click it and choose Get this Revision.
To view a preview of a revision's content, select the Preview tab at the bottom of the Details pane. This shows a preview of any file at any revision. You can resize this tab to view a larger version of the file.
To display branching history, click and choose the desired history from the drop-down menu.
If the file is an image, you can view thumbnails of the image by selecting View > Show Files As and selecting the thumbnail size that you want to view.
To compare two file revisions, click and drag one revision to the other. P4V launches the file diff utility and displays the differences.
To display a folder's revision history, context-click the folder icon and choose Folder History. The History tab displays the folder's revision history.
To compare two folder revisions, click and drag one revision to the other. P4V launches the Folder Diff Utility.