P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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Adding New Files to a Perforce Depot

To add new files to a Perforce depot, first you "open them for add", then you submit them.

The Path Browser's Run->Open files for add... command lets you open one or more files in the current path for add. On the File Browser page, you can use Run->Open for add... if the current file does not already exist in the depot.

Run->Open files for add... first takes you to the Selecting Files to Add page. There you can either enter a list of files you want to add, or have P4Web scan your workspace looking for files to add. Next, on the "Open for Add" page, you verify the files you selected and choose options for how they will be opened. (See below.) After choosing your options, click the open for add command button.

The open for add command doesn't create new files -- -- it just lists them in a pending changelist. You can create the new files before or after you run open for add. (However, you don't have to worry about filetype selection if you create them before running open for add.)

Files opened for add aren't sent to the depot until you submit your pending changelist. The files must be present in your workspace to be submitted. If you decide you don't want to submit the files after all, you can use the revert command to remove them from your pending changelist.

The "Open for Add" options

Files can only be opened for add if:

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