P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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Back-in-Time Browsing®

Back-in-Time Browsing® can show you what the Perforce depot looked like at any point in time. If you have web content files stored in Perforce, Back-in-Time Browsing® can show you your website as it appeared at any point in time, under certain conditions.

Using Back-in-Time Browsing® to view depot state

You can set Back-in-Time Browsing® to view the state of the depot at a particular point in time using Go To->Settings. See Settings and Preferences for more information.

As you browse depot files and paths with Back-in-Time Browsing® turned on, the information you see will be relative to the date (or other symbolic revision) value you entered. For example:

Note that:

To turn off Back-in-Time Browsing®, use Go To->Settings.

Using Back-in-Time Browsing® to view web content

To use Back-in-Time Browsing® with web content files, first navigate to a File Browser page for one of the files. You'll see the file's history displayed in a filelog. Click on a revision number in the filelog to enter Back-in-Time Browsing®.

Note that once you start browsing web content, the only way to return to P4Web is to use your browser's "Back" button or re-enter your P4Web URL.

When does Back-in-Time Browsing® work best?

Under certain conditions, browsing web content files with P4Web is exactly the same as browsing them with a web server. You can see images, click on links, and navigate through what appears to be a website. The same conditions give you the best Back-in-Time Browsing® experience. These conditions are:

You can still use Back-in-Time Browsing® under less than ideal conditions, but you may not be able to follow all links and see all content.

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