P4Web Release 2002.2 User Guide
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Viewing File History

  filelog "Filelog"
  extended filelog "Extended filelog"
The Show->Filelog command in the File Browser page shows a file's history, or filelog. You can also use the "Filelog" or "Extended filelog" shortcuts to display file history. (The extended filelog includes history of the current file's ancestors.)

Each entry in the filelog offers several links:

File Content Display
The revision number in the filelog is a link to the content of the file at that revision. It works the same as the Show->Depot file in browser command, but instead of showing the head revision, it shows the selected revision. It's also an entry point to Back-in-Time Browsing®, when applicable. This link is present regardless of filetype, for all non-deleted file revisions. (See Displaying File Content for more browser-related information.)

The word "change" in the filelog is a link to the diffs between that file revision and its previous revision. This link is available only for text files between non-deleted revisions.

Changelist Description
The changelist number is a link to the Changelist Description. This link is present for every revision.

File Text
The filetype shown in the filelog is a link to the plain text of the file at that revision. This link is available for text files at non-deleted revisions only. (See Displaying File Content for more browser-related information.)

File Browser
Files shown as integrations to or from the current file are links to File Browser pages for the integrated files.

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