Interface IStream

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IServerResource, IStreamSummary
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IStream
    extends IStreamSummary
    Defines a full Perforce stream specification. A stream specification ('spec') names a path in a stream depot to be treated as a stream. (See 'p4 help streamintro'.) The spec also defines the stream's lineage, its view, and its expected flow of change.

    Full stream specs in the current implementation are always complete.

    • Method Detail

      • getStreamView

        ViewMap<IStreamViewMapping> getStreamView()
        Return the view map associated with this stream. One or more mappings that define file paths in the stream view. Each line is of the form: path_type view_path [depot_path]
        non-null list of IStreamViewMapping mappings for this stream.
      • setStreamView

        void setStreamView​(ViewMap<IStreamViewMapping> streamView)
        Set the view map associated with this stream spec. This will not change the associated stream spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        streamView - new view mappings for the stream.
      • getRemappedView

        ViewMap<IStreamRemappedMapping> getRemappedView()
        Return the remapped view map associated with this stream. Optional; one or more mappings that define how stream view paths are to be remapped in client views. Each line is of the form: view_path_1 view_path_2
        possibly-null (optional) list of IStreamRemappedMapping mappings for this stream.
      • setRemappedView

        void setRemappedView​(ViewMap<IStreamRemappedMapping> remappedView)
        Set the remapped view map associated with this stream spec. This will not change the associated stream spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        remappedView - new remapped view mappings for the stream.
      • getIgnoredView

        ViewMap<IStreamIgnoredMapping> getIgnoredView()
        Return the ignored view map associated with this stream. Optional; a list of file or directory names to be ignored in client views. mappings in the "Ignored" field may appear in any order. Ignored names are inherited by child stream client views.
        possibly-null (optional) list of IStreamIgnoredMapping mappings to be ignored for this stream.
      • setIgnoredView

        void setIgnoredView​(ViewMap<IStreamIgnoredMapping> ignoredView)
        Set the ignored view map associated with this stream spec. This will not change the associated stream spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        ignoredView - ignore view mapping
      • getClientView

        ViewMap<IClientViewMapping> getClientView()
        Return the automatically generated client view map associated with this stream. Maps files in the depot to files in your client workspace.
        possibly-null list of automatically generated IClientViewMapping mappings associated with this stream.
      • setClientView

        void setClientView​(ViewMap<IClientViewMapping> clientView)
        Set the automatically generated client view map associated with this stream spec. This will not change the associated stream spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        clientView - client view
      • getExtraTags

        java.util.List<IStream.IExtraTag> getExtraTags()
        Return a list of extra tags associated with this stream.
        possibly-null list of extra tags associated with this stream.
      • setExtraTags

        void setExtraTags​(java.util.List<IStream.IExtraTag> extraTags)
        Set the extra tags associated with this stream. This will not change the associated stream spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        extraTags - extra tags
      • setServer

        void setServer​(IOptionsServer server)
        Set the server to type of IOptionsServer, overriding the default IServer.
        server - server