
Perforce Swarm uses background processes, called workers, to respond to events in the Perforce service. The default number of workers is 3, and each worker processes events for up to 10 minutes. When a worker terminates, a new one is spawned.


Each worker maintains a connection to the Perforce service for the duration of its lifetime. This may impact your Perforce service management practices.

Worker status

To determine the current status of workers, visit the URL:


The response is formatted in JSON, and looks like this:


Manually start workers

To kick off a new worker process, visiting the URL:


Worker configuration

To adjust the configuration for workers, add a configuration block to the data/config.php file:

    // this block should be a peer of 'p4'
    'queue'  => array(
        'workers'             => 3,    // defaults to 3
        'worker_lifetime'     => 595,  // defaults to 10 minutes (less 5 seconds)
        'worker_task_timeout' => 1800, // defaults to 30 minutes
        'worker_memory_limit' => '1G', // defaults to 1 gigabyte

workers specifies the number of worker processes that should be available. The default is 3. The cron job ensures that new worker processes are started when necessary. If the limit is reached or exceeded, new worker processes are not started.

worker_lifetime specifies the amount of time in seconds that a worker process should run for. The default is 595 seconds (10 minutes less 5 seconds). If a worker process exceeds this limit while processing a task, it will complete the active task and then terminate. worker_lifetime does not cause tasks to terminate mid-processing.

worker_task_timeout specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a worker process can spend processing a single task. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). This is useful for terminating workers that might get stalled in a variety of situations.

worker_memory_limit specifies the maximum amount of memory that a worker process is allowed to use while processing a task. The default is 1G (1 gigabyte).