
Initially, code reviews have no reviewers. Code review authors can designate users as reviewers by including @mentions for each desired reviewer, @*mentions for each required reviewer, or by using the Edit Reviewers dialog which allows reviewers to be added, removed, and to make each reviewer's vote required or optional.

Other users can show their interest in participating in the code review by clicking their avatar in the Reviewers area of the code review and selecting Join review, or by commenting on a review or one of its files. Once a user shows such interest, they are added to the review's list of reviewers and share in the responsibility of performing the code review. Later on, reviewers can change whether their vote is required or optional, or leave a review (perhaps to prevent further notifications).

Looking at a review queue can help you determine which reviews have likely not been started, using the No Reviewers filter. Once a review has reviewers, it is considered to be active and appears in the review queue with the state Has Reviewers.

Review participation is advisory by default, and is used to inform your team that a code review is being conducted. The disposition of the review is reflected in the review's current state, the badges that may appear over each reviewer's avatar, and any comments reviewers might add.

Required reviewers

Reviews can optionally have required reviewers. When a review has required reviewers, the review cannot be approved until all required reviewers have required reviewers have up-voted the review. If the review is associated with a project that has assigned moderators, even the moderators cannot approve the review without up-votes from all required reviewers (but they can reject the review).

Required reviewers are expected to take greater care while performing a review than non-required reviewers, as their votes affect whether a review can be approved or not.

To edit the reviewers for a review, and to change whether a reviewer is required or not, see “Edit reviewers”.


If a review involves a branch with assigned moderators, only a moderator can approve the review, even if all required reviewers have up-voted the review.

See the description of assigning moderators.

Add yourself as a reviewer

  1. Visit the review's page.

  2. Login, if you have not already done so.

  3. The dropdown menu appearing when you click your avatar Click your avatar in the Reviewers area of the review display, which should be greyed out since you are not yet a reviewer. A dropdown menu appears.

  4. Select + Join Review. Alternatively, you can select ^ Vote Up or v Vote Down if you approve or disapprove of the review, respectively; either will cast your vote and make you a reviewer.

You avatar is no longer greyed out, and you are now a reviewer.

Remove yourself as a reviewer

  1. Visit the review's page.

  2. Login, if you have not already done so.

  3. The dropdown menu appearing when you click your avatar Click your avatar in the Reviewers area of the review display, which should not be greyed out since you are already a reviewer. A dropdown menu appears.

  4. Select X Leave Review.

You avatar is now greyed out, and you are no longer a reviewer.