Membership in a Swarm project identifies users as belonging to the project, making them part of the team.
The only notable differences between project members and non-members is that members receive notifications when new code reviews are started, member avatars appear on the project's page, and members can transition reviews to other states. Non-members can transition reviews they have authored.
There are two ways to become a member of a project in Swarm:
Add a project and make yourself a member.
Ask a member of an existing project to add you as a member.
If the project has any owners specified, you need to ask the project owner to add you as a member.
Add a member
If you are an owner of a project, or a member of a project without specified owners:
Start editing a project. See “Edit a project” for more information.
The Members text field lets you specify a Perforce user to add to the members for this project. The field auto-suggests userids by matching what you have typed so far against the list of users in the Perforce service.
Click .
Remove a member
If you are an owner of a project, or a member of a project without specified owners:
Start editing a project. See “Edit a project” for more information.
Known members of the project are displayed beneath the Members text field as a light blue user button. Click the next to the userid you want to remove.
Click .
You are able to remove your own membership or ownership. Doing so could prevent you from managing the project.