Notable minor features

Quick URLs

Many developers like to type the least amount of information to locate the data they're looking for. Swarm tries to assist by handling URLs intelligently. If you visit a URL like:


Swarm attempts to locate identifier as a review, changelist, depot path, project, job, user, depot name, and GitFusion SHA1 (or fragment). If you visit the URL http://myswarm/123, Swarm redirects to http://myswarm/changes/123, provided that changelist 123 exists. If you visit the URL http://myswarm/bob, Swarm tries each of the following URLs and redirects to the first match:


If you enter an identifier that does not exist for any type of resource, Swarm displays a Page Not Found error.


Note that changelist identifiers must be numeric, so there could never be a changelist called bob.


GitFusion SHA1 identifiers (or a fragment of one) work when the SHA1 refers to a single changelist. If the SHA1 refers to more than one changelist, which can occur for Git branches, Swarm reports a 404 error.


Whenever you write a changelist description, job description, comment, or review, use an @mention to refer to projects, changelists, jobs, and users. Swarm automatically creates a link for each @mention, so it's easy to navigate to the specified resource. For example, when you include @job12345 in a comment, Swarm turns that text into a link that, when clicked, displays the “Jobs” page for job12345.


For jobs, the @ character is optional: Swarm creates job links for any text that looks like a job identifier, such as job012345.

Similarly, Swarm creates change links for change 1234, or review links for review 2345.

When you start a code review, any users included as @mentions in the changelist description automatically become reviewers for that code review. During a code review, including a user @mention in a comment also causes the mentioned user to receive notifications of code review events, even if they are not a member of your project or following you or your project. Including an asterisk (*) before the userid in an @mention, for example @*userid, that user becomes a required reviewer. See “Required reviewers” for details.

JIRA integration

Swarm ships with a JIRA module that can:

  • create links to JIRA when Swarm displays JIRA issue identifiers in changelists, comments, jobs, reviews, etc.

  • add links within JIRA back to Swarm, for JIRA issues associated with reviews or committed changes. These links reflect the current status of associated code reviews.

By default, the JIRA module is disabled. To enable JIRA integration, see “Enabling the JIRA module”.


An Avatar in an activity stream Each event in an activity stream includes an avatar, an image that represents the user responsible for the event. Avatars help to visually tie together various events and personalize the history presented in the stream.

Avatar variations Based on the email address entered in a user's Perforce account, Swarm attempts to fetch an avatar from Otherwise, Swarm selects from its collection of default avatars and color palettes to provide pleasing variations.

An Avatar tooltip Hover your mouse over an avatar to display a tooltip with the user's full name.


The Follow button Whenever you see a Follow button, for example when you are viewing a project page or user profile, clicking the button causes Swarm to send you notifications whenever there is activity generated by the current resource.

This is useful if, in the case of a project, you are not a project member but want to know what's happening in the project. Or, in the case of a user, you want to see what activity that user generates.

The Unfollow button To stop receiving notifications, visit the project page or user profile and click the Unfollow button.


The timeago tooltip Swarm typically displays the time of an event, such as when a file was created, as about X units ago. Hover your mouse pointer over a time display to see a tooltip displaying the exact date and time of the event.

Keyboard shortcuts

Swarm provides the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • n - While viewing “Diffs”, pressing n scrolls to the next difference.

  • p - While viewing “Diffs”, pressing p scrolls to the previous difference.

  • ESC - While viewing a dialog, pressing ESC closes the dialog.

    While entering text into a textarea, pressing ESC stops text entry.

About Swarm

You can discover the version of Swarm you are using:

  1. Log in to Swarm.

  2. userid in toolbar Click your userid, found at the right of the main toolbar.

  3. userid drop-down menu About Swarm dialog Select About Swarm. A dialog appears displaying Swarm's version:

Custom error pages

Mobile browser compatibility

Swarm is intended to be used from any modern browser, including most mobile device browsers. For our initial release, mobile browser testing has been quite limited. We anticipate that you may encounter various issues, but we certainly look forward to hearing about your mobile device experiences using Swarm.