Swarm's JIRA integration allows code reviews and committed changes to be associated with JIRA issues, making it easy to reference associated issues, and see the state of a code review or committed change within JIRA.
To associate a code review with a JIRA issue, include a JIRA issue
identifier in the review's description, e.g. SW-1234
Swarm links to the JIRA issue and creates a link within the JIRA issue back
to the code review in Swarm. Multiple JIRA issues can be included in the
changelist description.
As a code review progresses, Swarm updates each associated JIRA issue with the review's current status.
Previous releases of Swarm required manual configuration of the JIRA project identifiers. As of Swarm 2013.2, Swarm automatically fetches JIRA project ids.
Swarm fetches JIRA project identifiers using a worker, once per the worker process' lifetime. See “Worker configuration”. New JIRA projects will not auto-link to JIRA until the project identifiers have been updated. By default, project identifiers are updated once every ten minutes.
By default, the JIRA module is disabled. Use the following instructions to enable the JIRA module.
Enabling the JIRA module
When enabled, the JIRA module links JIRA issues referenced in change descriptions, job descriptions, comments, and reviews to your local JIRA service. By default, the JIRA module is not enabled.
To enable the JIRA module, add the following configuration block
to your data/config.php
// this block should be a peer of 'p4'
'jira' => array(
'host' => '', // URL for your installed JIRA web interface
'user' => '', // the username required for JIRA API access
'password' => '', // the password required for JIRA API access
'job_field' => '', // optional, if P4DTG is replicating JIRA issue IDs
// to a job field, list that field here
If your JIRA web interface uses HTTPS
, you may need
to configure “HTTP client options” so
that Swarm can connect successfully.