
Whenever a new version of a file is checked into the Perforce service, a history record is created. Begin browsing the history of changes by clicking the History link in the main toolbar.

The History page

When you are viewing a particular file or directory, clicking the History tab displays the history of changes for that location in the depot.

The History page for a specific depot location

A file's history presents each version of a file that the Perforce service knows about, including the change number, userid, change description, time ago, along with Open and Download buttons.

The History page for a file

Swarm also displays contributing history when available, such as when a file has been renamed, or integrated from another location in the Perforce service.

The trashcan icon represents a deleted version

If an entry in the history represents a deleted revision, the Open and Download links are replaced with a trashcan icon to indicate that this version is no longer available.

Remote depot history

When your Perforce service has a remote depot configured, you can browse the contents of the remote depot, but remote depots do not share their change history. If you attempt to view the history of a file provided by a remote depot, Swarm displays: